Complaints procedure and processing

Here you can find information about how to submit a complaint or comment regarding certification, audit, or applicable certification standards. All submitted complaints and comments from group members and other stakeholders are processed according to FSC’s stringent procedures.

1. Do you have a complaint regarding a certification or an audit?

If you have comments or complaints regarding how Skogssällskapet, which is certified according to FSC and PEFC, conducts its forestry activities or applies the FSC or PEFC standards, your first point of contact is Staffan Mattsson at Skogssällskapet: or call +46 18-140 100.

If you feel that your dialogue with Skogssällskapet is unsatisfactory, you can contact Skogssällskapet’s independent certification body: Det Norske Veritas (DNV),, telefon 08‑587 941 90, External link, opens in new window.

2. Do you have a complaint regarding how a certification or an audit has been carried out?

If you have comments or complaints regarding how an independent certification body has assessed Skogssällskapet’s activities, or its application of the FSC or PEFC standards, contact DNV (contact details above).

You can also contact Swedish FSC through their website External link, opens in new window.

In certain cases, you can contact the FSC’s international office:

3. Do you have comments about the Swedish standards for FSC or PEFC?

If you have comments on how the Swedish FSC standard is organised, or how the Swedish FSC body works and conducts activities in different issues, contact the Swedish FSC at

Alternatively, contact the international office of FSC:

If you have comments on how the Swedish PEFC standard is organised, or how the Swedish PEFC body works and conducts activities in different issues, contact the Swedish PEFC at Svenska PEFC External link, opens in new window..

4. This is how complaints are handled:

  1. Acknowledgment is sent immediately to the complainant.
  2. Within two weeks you will receive information about the complaint and an initial response.
  3. Skogssällskapet's certification officer informs our certifier of the complaint.
  4. The relevance of the complaint is assessed and a dialogue with the complainant is carried out to try to resolve the complaint.
  5. Relevant complaints are forwarded to our certifier and to the relevant certification organisation (FSC or PEFC) within two weeks from the time of the complaint.
  6. Relevant measures are taken, verified and notified to the complainant, to the certifier and to the relevant certification organisation within two months.
  7. Information about received complaints and actions is archived.